All features in one place

Advertise your equipment, receive requests and reviews and measure your results. The use of our pltaform will be part of your daily routine.

You are very special for us

The professional area was adapted to your activity. It is very easy to use! If you have any difficulties, just call us. It will always be treated very well.

We are a key player in your business

We perceive the dynamics of social responses and have extensive experience in this sector. We know, therefore, how to put your institution on the map of the best solutions for the elderly.

We grow your revenue!

The search goes through here! Families rely on the information we provide and choose institutions disclosed by us. They will recommend and promote their equipment

Design and optimized technology

Your equipments can be seen anywhere, with design and conversion-oriented technology.

Free Registration
Design and optimized technology

Certified Professional Images

With this certification, we can assure our visitors that what they are seeing corresponds to what they will find.

Free Registration
Certified Professional Images

Optimized resource management

The exposure of your equipment can be tailored to your needs and can measure your results.

Free Registration
Optimized resource management

Uma forma de dar a conhecer a minha instituição, da qual já não prescindo.

Sinto um grande entusiasmo quando recebo um pedido do Lares Online, são oportunidades de negócio!

Enfermeira Carla Magueja

  Centro Geriátrico de Paiões, Lda

Recomendo o Lares Online a todas as instituições!

Quando as experiências são boas, o dever é sempre promover e aconselhar o que de bom existe.

Padre Tiago Cardoso

  Centro Social Paroquial de Lamosa

O Lares Online faz-nos chegar mais longe!

Utilizamos o Lares Online por ser uma plataforma credível e com visibilidade, que nos faz chegar mais longe.

Presidente Silvíno Oliveira

  Abrigo de Nossa Senhora da Esperança

Choose the best plan for your institution.

You can change your plan when you want!


  • Equipamentos Ilimitados
  • Indiferente nº utentes

Gestor de Conta



  • 1 Equipamento
  • até 29 utentes
Pedidos Exclusivos
+ Pedidos Locais

Acima do Base
Gestor de Conta

Oferta Serviço Fotográfico


  • Equipamentos Ilimitados
  • Indiferente nº utentes
Pedidos Exclusívos
+++ Pedidos Locais

Acima do Premium
Gestor de Conta

Oferta Serviço Fotográfico

Perfect for smal businesses, business groups, or non-profit organizations.


  1. What is the origin of the requests?

    The requests come from real families looking for solutions for the elderly, using the various forms available on the platform or our call center.

  2. Can I cancel my subscription?

    Of course you can! You can cancel your subscription at any time. We do not make refunds for partial months of use, but there are also no cancellation penalties.

  3. I need help...

    We can do everything for you. If you do not have the time or do not know how to do it, call 924 059 935.

Registration Form

Register for free, and choose the plan afterwards. Of course we have paid plans.
But, they are optionals! You can try without commitment!

Aceito o uso dos meus dados para os fins a que se destina o formulário, a Politica de Privacidade e os Terms and conditions
Desejo receber por email conteúdos exclusivos e Pedidos adequados à oferta da minha Instituição.

Consulte informação sobre o tratamento dos seus dados pessoais e sobre os seus direitos enquanto titular dos dados, aqui.

When visiting our website, you acept the cookies we use to improve your browsing experience.